Archive of month: 2015

Plants and Fungi: Looking Out for Fungi is Vital in Garden Maintenance

Proper maintenance of your garden requires you to know what to keep and what to get rid of. The fungi in your garden may have various effects depending on their type since some could be helpful in the growth of your plants. Mycorrhizal fungi, for instance, form symbiotic relationships with plants and help them take […]

Avoid the Most Common Garden Maintenance Mistakes

Gardening is a complex subject. Skimping on simple maintenance tasks and not using the right maintenance equipment just create a backlog of problems, potential damage, and a lot more work. To make sure that your garden remains picturesque in the year to come, make sure to avoid these common garden maintenance mistakes. Cutting the Grass […]

Considerations When Selecting a Fertiliser for Garden Maintenance

The use of fertiliser has long before been regarded as an important part of garden maintenance. Fertilisers contain nutrients that promote plant growth, and are particularly important in gardens where the soil is poor and does not provide everything plants need in order to thrive. Fertilisers can be divided into two categories, inorganic and organic. […]